Ritornano gli Avantasia con il loro roboante decimo album Here Be Dragons il 28 febbraio 2025
Ritornano gli Avantasia il prossimo 28 febbraio 2025 con il loro roboante decimo album
in studio che si intitola Here Be Dragons, per la Napalm Records e il tour. Insieme agli elementi
caratteristici della musica degli Avantasia come i cori che incantano e la componente
teatrale dal gusto symphonic metal e rock, il poliedrico frontman Tobias Sammet sorprende i fan vecchi e nuovi con un sacco di intrigantinuove trovate musicali.
Here be Dragons: un’opera rock
Here Be Dragons conferisce al celebre suono degli Avantasia curato con attenzione
per oltre un quarto di secolo, un tocco emozionante e potente. Il nuovo album è l’opera
rock più coerente e concisa che la band abbia mai realizzato. L’impressionante storia di successo della band ha visto nove precedenti album in studio (incluso l’offerta del 2019 Moonglow che si è classificata al primo posto in Germania), premi d’oro, centinaia di milioni di streaming e spettacoli da headliner in tutti i più importanti festival metal e tournée negli stadi in tutto il mondo con decine di migliaia di fan devoti. Gli Avantasia ad oggi non mostrano alcun
a stanchezza subito dopo l’uscita di Here Be Dragons, la band infatti, partirà per un lungo tour nelle arene in tutta Europa, promettendo di offrire agli ammiratoriun’esperienza unica grazie alla
loro produzione più grande ed epica di sempre.
Le parole di Tobias Sammet
Tobias Sammet commenta in merito: “Questo nuovo album racchiude lo spirito più avventuroso e audace che la mia musica abbia mai avuto negli ultimi decenni. Ed è piuttosto spericolato, impavido, potente ed edificante e per niente introverso. Mentre i miei album precedenti mi hanno permesso di togliermi un peso dal petto, questa volta mi sono tuffato a capofitto nel flusso creativo, creando dieci immagini musicali distinte, che si sono miracolosamente fuse in quello che credo sia il capitolo più compatto nella storia degli Avantasia.
Ho fatto tutto esattamente come volevo, affrontando l’album con una determinazione inesorabile e un atteggiamento spensierato, che ricordava i miei primi giorni prima che cominciassi a dedicarmi al Metal Opera, quando sentivo arrivare il flusso dell’ispirazione e lasciavo che il mio istinto scrivesse le canzoni. In questo momento sono pieno di energia e non vedo l’ora che tutti possano ascoltare Here Be Dragons e poi dare il via al grande tour con il nostro nuovo palco. Presenteremo il nuovo materiale insieme ai nostri classici e ad alcune rarities nello spettacolo teatrale più spettacolare che gli Avantasia abbiano mai realizzato. Un buon Natale in anticipo a tutti!”
Il magico suono di Avantasia
Le dieci tracce sono stata scritta e composte completamente dallo stesso Tobias Sammet, prodotte e registrate da Tobias Sammet insieme a Sascha Paeth, mixata da Sascha Paeth e masterizzata da Michael Rodenberg. La copertina è ancora una volta ad opera dell’acclamato artista britannico fantasy Rodney Matthews. Here Be Dragons è un’altra pietra miliare del catalogo degli Avantasia,accolto con grande entusiasmo da fan e critici e sottolineando ancora una volta la posizione di rilievo che gli Avantasia si sono conquistati nel mondo del rock e del metal.
Tutti i dettagli dell’album
Here Be Dragons è ora disponibile per il pre-order in diverse edizioni “fisiche”, con album bonus inclusi in formati limitati selezionati, come un artbook con copertina rigida in 3CD con 96 pagine, oltre 160 immagini, disegni di Rodney Matthews e ampie storie per accompagnare la musica e immagini
- Creepshow
- Here Be Dragons
- The Moorland At Twilight
- The Witch
- Phantasmagoria
- Bring On The Night
- Unleash The Kraken
- Avalon
- Against The Wind
- Everybody’s Here Until The End
Here Be Dragons will be available in the following formats:
- · 3CD-Artbook – large format, hardcover book incl. 96 pages, over 160 pictures and extensive stories and liner notes
- · 3-LP Vinyl Box incl 72 Pages 12″ Booklet – strictly limited to 500 copies
- · 1-LP Glow in the Dark Vinyl incl 12” Booklet – strictly limited to 300 copies – Napalm Records Mailorder exclusive
- · 1-LP Yellow/Orange Marbled Vinyl incl 12” Booklet – strictly limited to 300 copies – Napalm Records Mailorder exclusive
- · 1-LP Blue/White Splattered Vinyl incl 12″ Booklet + Poster + Slipmat – strictly limited to 500 copies – Napalm Records Mailorder exclusive ROW
- · 1-LP Orange incl 12” Booklet
- · 1-LP Black incl 12” Booklet
- · Tape – strictly limited to 100 copies – Napalm Records Mailorder exclusive
- · 2CD Mediabook
- · 1CD Digipak · Digital Album

Catch AVANTASIA live on tour!
- 14.03.25 DE – Hamburg / Sporthalle
- 15.03.25 BE – Brussels / AB Box
- 16.03.25 FR – Paris / Olympia
- 18.03.25 LU – Esch-sur-Alzette / Rockhal
- 20.03.25 DE – Berlin / Columbiahalle
- 21.03.25 DE – Bamberg / Brose Arena
- 22.03.25 DE – Bochum / RuhrCongress
- 24.03.25 UK – London / The Roundhouse
- 26.03.25 NL – Tilburg / O13
- 28.03.25 DE – Stuttgart / Schleyerhalle
- 29.03.25 CZ – Prague / Forum Karlin
- 01.04.25 HU – Budapest / Barba Negra
- 02.04.25 AT – Vienna / Gasometer
- 04.04.25 DE – Munich / Zenith
- 05.04.25 DE – Frankfurt am Main / Jahrhunderthalle
- 06.04.25 DE – Cologne / Palladium
- 08.04.25 IT – Milan / Alcatraz
- 09.04.25 CH – Zurich / The Hall
- 11.04.25 ES – Barcelona / Razzmatazz
- 12.04.25 ES – Madrid / Vistalegre
- 23.04.25 FI – Helsinki / Black Box
- 25.04.25 NO – Oslo / Sentrum Scene
- 26.04.25 SE – Stockholm / Arenan Fryshuset
Avantasia are back!
Leading rock and metal force
Avantasia is set to unleash their bombastic 10th studio album and Napalm Records debut,
Here Be Dragons, on February 28, 2025! Featuring absolute
Avantasia essentials such as spellbinding choirs and theatrical symphonic metal elements, multitalented mastermind and frontman Tobias Sammet also surprises fans old and new with plenty of intriguing fresh soundscapes.
Here Be Dragons gives the celebrated
Avantasia sound that has been carefully crafted over a quarter of a century an exciting and powerful spin. The new album is the most consistent and concise piece of art that the band has ever crafted.
Avantasia: a successful band
The band’s impressive success story has seen nine previous studio albums (including the 2019 offering
Moonglow that charted at #1 in Germany), gold awards, hundreds of millions of streams as well as headline shows at all important metal festivals and worldwide sold-out arena tours with tens of thousands of devoted fans.
Avantasia is not showing any signs of slowing down – soon after the release of
Here Be Dragons, the band will head out on an extensive arena tour across Europe, promising to deliver fans an immersive experience with their biggest and most epic production ever

Tobias Sammet comments:
“This new album carries the most adventurous and bold spirit my music has had in decades. And it’s rather reckless, fearless, powerful, and uplifting and not introverted at all. While my previous albums allowed me to get a lot off my chest, this time I dove headfirst into the creative flood, crafting ten discrete, musical pictures, that miraculously merged into what I believe is the tightest chapter in Avantasia’s history.
I did everything exactly how I wanted it, approaching the album with unrelenting determination and a carefree attitude, that was reminiscent of my early days way before the Metal Opera thing, when I felt unstoppable and let instinct just write songs. Right now I’m bursting with energy and can’t wait to unleash Here Be Dragons and then kick off the big tour with our new stage. We’ll present the new material alongside our classics and some rarities in the most spectacular stage show Avantasia has ever delivered. An early Merry Christmas, everyone!”
The Magic Sound of Avantasia
In grand AVANTASIA tradition, the new full-length is rich in vivid storytelling and cinematic atmospheres, not to mention the highest level of musicianship. Opening track “Creepshow” is without a doubt one of the catchiest songs in their career. The energizing future hit truly welcomes the listener into the new era of AVANTASIA and will be an integral part of the band’s spectacular live shows. In contrast, the incredible title track “Here Be Dragons” is a classic AVANTASIA song, and at almost nine minutes, is by far the longest on the album. The cinematic dark soundscapes of “The Witch” captivate and support the song’s storyline perfectly. Emotional, multifaceted vocal performances mesmerize on “Avalon”, while the heavy metal number “Against The Wind” serves as further proof of the versatility of AVANTASIA’s sound. Remaining well-balanced and cohesive, Here Be Dragons is undeniably AVANTASIA’s most powerful album so far.
A Fantasy Album
The 10-track offering was written and composed in its entirety by Tobias Sammet himself, produced and recorded by Tobias Sammet together with Sascha Paeth, mixed by Sascha Paeth and mastered by Michael Rodenberg. The stunning cover art was once again created by acclaimed British fantasy artist Rodney Matthews.
Here Be Dragons marks another masterpiece in the
Avantasia catalog, leaving both fans and critics speechless and proving the band’s standing as a main force in the world of rock and metal.
Here be Dragons: the details
Here Be Dragons is now available for pre-order in several exciting physical editions, with bonus albums included in select limited formats, like a 3CD hardcover artbook with 96 pages, over 160 pictures, drawings of Rodney Matthews and extensive stories to accompany the music and pictures.Make sure to secure yours and stay tuned for the first single that will be released very soon!
- Here Be Dragons
- The Moorland At Twilight
- The Witch
- Creepshow
- Phantasmagoria
- Bring On The Night
- Unleash The Kraken
- Avalon
- Against The Wind
- Everybody’s Here Until The End
Will be available in the following formats:
- · 3CD-Artbook – large format, hardcover book incl. 96 pages, over 160 pictures and extensive stories and liner notes
- · 3-LP Vinyl Box incl 72 Pages 12″ Booklet – strictly limited to 500 copies
- · 1-LP Glow in the Dark Vinyl incl 12” Booklet – strictly limited to 300 copies – Napalm Records Mailorder exclusive
- · 1-LP Yellow/Orange Marbled Vinyl incl 12” Booklet – strictly limited to 300 copies – Napalm Records Mailorder exclusive
- · 1-LP Blue/White Splattered Vinyl incl 12″ Booklet + Poster + Slipmat – strictly limited to 500 copies – Napalm Records Mailorder exclusive ROW
- · 1-LP Orange incl 12” Booklet
- · 1-LP Black incl 12” Booklet
- · Tape – strictly limited to 100 copies – Napalm Records Mailorder exclusive
- · 2CD Mediabook
- · 1CD Digipak · Digital Album

Catch AVANTASIA live on tour!
- 14.03.25 DE – Hamburg / Sporthalle
- 15.03.25 BE – Brussels / AB Box
- 16.03.25 FR – Paris / Olympia
- 18.03.25 LU – Esch-sur-Alzette / Rockhal
- 20.03.25 DE – Berlin / Columbiahalle
- 21.03.25 DE – Bamberg / Brose Arena
- 22.03.25 DE – Bochum / RuhrCongress
- 24.03.25 UK – London / The Roundhouse
- 26.03.25 NL – Tilburg / O13
- 28.03.25 DE – Stuttgart / Schleyerhalle
- 29.03.25 CZ – Prague / Forum Karlin
- 01.04.25 HU – Budapest / Barba Negra
- 02.04.25 AT – Vienna / Gasometer
- 04.04.25 DE – Munich / Zenith
- 05.04.25 DE – Frankfurt am Main / Jahrhunderthalle
- 06.04.25 DE – Cologne / Palladium
- 08.04.25 IT – Milan / Alcatraz
- 09.04.25 CH – Zurich / The Hall
- 11.04.25 ES – Barcelona / Razzmatazz
- 12.04.25 ES – Madrid / Vistalegre
- 23.04.25 FI – Helsinki / Black Box
- 25.04.25 NO – Oslo / Sentrum Scene
- 26.04.25 SE – Stockholm / Arenan Fryshuset
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