Il video di “And You And I” viene presentato in anteprima oggi! Dopo il successo mondiale per il loro album di debutto “TRUE”, Jon Anderson e la sua band, i Geeks annunciano oggi l’uscita per il prossimo 14 marzo, del CD/DVD “Jon Anderson and The Band Geeks Live- Perpetual Change”. L’intero spettacolo della band è stato registrato e filmato all’Arcada Theatre di St. Charles, Illinois, durante il tour estivo dell’agosto 2023.

Live Show in Arrivo il 14 Marzo
Il concerto sarà disponibile in una confezione dadue CD/DVD e in una confezione con triplo vinile. Entrambi sono disponibili per il preordine oggi qui:
Intanto per celebrare questa novità la band presenta in anteprima un video del classico degli YES “And You And I” tratto dal DVD. Guarda il video qui
- Yours Is No Disgrace
- Perpetual Change
- Close To The Edge
- Heart Of The Sunrise
- Starship Trooper
- Awaken
- And You And I
- Your Move/ I’ve Seen All Good People
- Gates Of Delirium
- Roundabout
Per maggiori informazioni:
Jon Anderson’s official website: www.JonAnderson.com
Band Geek official website: https://richiecastellano.com/bandgeek/
Jon Anderson YES Epics and Classics:
Website – http://jonandersonyesepicsandclassics.com/
Facebook – Jon Anderson YES Epics & Classics – https://www.facebook.com/jonandersonyesepicsandclassics/
Twitter – @JonYesEpic
Instagram – @jonandersonyesepicsandclassics
TikTok – @JonAndersonYESEpic
YouTube – Jon Anderson YES Epics & Classics – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIvSkw_3SAs1Yy2Ro68GzLw
To view your page, follow this link:
Jon Anderson and The Band Geeks Announce Live CD/DVD Release “And You And I” Video Premieres Today!

Following the worldwide acclaim for their debut album “TRUE”, Jon Anderson and The Band Geeks announce today the March 14th release of the CD/DVD package “Jon Anderson and The Band Geeks Live- Perpetual Change”. The band recorded and filmed the entire show at the Arcada Theater in St. Charles, Illinois on their August 2023 summer tour.

The concert will be available as a two CD/DVD package as well as a triple vinyl package. Both are available for preorder today here:
To celebrate today’s announcement, the band is premiering a video of the YES classic “And You And I” taken from the DVD. Watch the video here:
Below is the track listing for both configurations:
- Yours Is No Disgrace
- Perpetual Change
- Close To The Edge
- Heart Of The Sunrise
- Starship Trooper
- Awaken
- And You And I
- Your Move/ I’ve Seen All Good People
- Gates Of Delirium
- Roundabout
For more information:
Jon Anderson’s official website: www.JonAnderson.com
Band Geek official website: https://richiecastellano.com/bandgeek/
Jon Anderson YES Epics and Classics:
Website – http://jonandersonyesepicsandclassics.com/
Facebook – Jon Anderson YES Epics & Classics – https://www.facebook.com/jonandersonyesepicsandclassics/
Twitter – @JonYesEpic
Instagram – @jonandersonyesepicsandclassics
TikTok – @JonAndersonYESEpic
YouTube – Jon Anderson YES Epics & Classics – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIvSkw_3SAs1Yy2Ro68GzLw
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